. The scope of the power of representation extends in particular to: a. The holder of the power of attorney may dispose of property of any kind. The full name of the person giving power of attorney must be listed here. Some powers of attorney are already limited in time or content due to their nature and wording. However, the power of attorney can always be revoked. However, the revocation is only effective when it reaches the addressee. The holder of the power of attorney may grant sub-authorizations. It is important to issue a power of attorney only if the authorized person is trustworthy. A general power of attorney has great potential for abuse. The provisions of §§ 167 et seq. BGB shall apply. This template can be used to create a power of attorney.
It is often necessary for the representative, in the exercise of his power of representation, to present an identity card in order to be able to identify himself. Other names in the document: General Power of Attorney, Bank Power of Attorney for Account, Postal Power of Attorney and Legal Representation and Making Legally Authorized Gifts to a Supervisor. 9. 882 528825852 2882 255 5882 528252222 525 258252822 8885 5585 552 82822- 525 22822825255522 58825 852 (2.8. 855282 525 282828288822 525252522, 528222228282225228- 525 58522882888252825228-, 5222582228228-, 58522882582282255228-, 58522882585825228- 525 8822258225228825255522 82882 5222558- 525 5252828858825255522 5825 558 52522222 528 2222258). It includes the power to perform and receive services. In addition, the power of attorney may be transferred in whole or in part to third parties (sub-proxy). The power of attorney also includes the right to initiate, withdraw or waive remedies, to settle the dispute or out-of-court negotiations by settlement, waiver or acknowledgement, to receive money, valuables and documents, in particular the subject matter of the dispute and the amounts to be reimbursed by the opponent, the judicial treasury or other bodies. Use the form on the left to fill out the template. I hereby declare that the holder of the power of attorney is authorized to take all necessary and timely measures within the framework of the aforementioned legal act and to make statements before the authorities and individuals.
In addition, the holder of the power of attorney has the right to receive documents. In business, a power of attorney is the granting of a power of attorney for all transactions in which representation is permitted. However, this is not easily possible. Only if the agent has been authorized to grant sub-authorizations can he do so. A power of attorney does not automatically entail the right to transfer powers. Please select here which power of attorney should be created. This template is only used to create a simple power of attorney. If another type of power of attorney needs to be created, the appropriate template must be used.
With a simple power of attorney, a power of attorney gives the power of attorney the right to represent him on his behalf. The general power of attorney serves as a representative for all legal matters of a person (“total representation”). With a preventive power of attorney, the power of attorney determines who must settle their case in the event of an emergency (for example, during a hospital stay). By proxy, the merchant grants a person the right to represent him. In addition, there are models for the following powers of attorney: – Power of attorney for a lawyer – Power of attorney for land registry inspection – Sub-power of attorney – Power of attorney – Founding power of attorney GmbH/UG – Post-mortem power of attorney If a power of attorney already granted is to be revoked, the model provided for this purpose must be used. Unlike the signing authority, holders of a general power of attorney can enter into very personal legal acts of the person giving the power of attorney. This may include the following powers: He must have full legal capacity. Minors may only give power of attorney with the consent of their legal representative. The precautionary power of attorney may refer to all legally relevant acts in which representation is permitted.
This is not the case for very personal legal acts such as marriage, wills or the exercise of the right to vote. The power of attorney can represent me before authorities, insurance companies, pension plans and social service providers. You will find more details on the different types of power of attorney in the description of the document. Note: If you choose the Conservative Power of Attorney or the Simple Power of Attorney, the processing of this document will be stopped. In everyday professional life, it can happen again and again that a power of attorney – at least for a certain period – has to be transferred. Classic examples are the leave or illness of the initial representative. In order for business to continue during this period, powers of attorney may be granted. d. make statements of intent regarding my accounts, custodial accounts and safes. The agent can represent me in commercial transactions with credit institutions. 882 2222558828825852 882 255 8852852, 8222 Here it is necessary to choose whether the power of attorney is a person or a company/association.
4. for representation in other proceedings and in out-of-court negotiations of any kind (in particular in accident cases for the assertion of claims against the injured party, the owner of the vehicle and his insurer), 2. The power of attorney may consent, refuse or revoke consent to all measures relevant to the examination of the state of health and the implementation of medical treatment, even if there is a risk of death or serious or lasting damage to my health (§ 1904 paragraphs 1 and 2 BGB). If, despite this power of attorney, legal representation (“legal assistance”) is required, the above-mentioned trusted person must be appointed as supervisor. In principle, powers of attorney are admissible without form, i.e. they can theoretically be granted orally. However, the written form is usually expected in legal transactions. The document is created based on your answers: articles are added or deleted, paragraphs and words are changed. A power of attorney is a power of attorney. With a power of attorney, the person giving the power of attorney grants the authorized representative the right to act on their behalf. The legal acts carried out by the trustee in the context of this power of attorney therefore produce effects for and against the authoritor.
2. The power of attorney may conclude a new apartment rental agreement and also terminate it.3. The power of attorney may conclude and terminate a contract in accordance with the Housing and Care Contracts Act (contract for the provision of care housing or care services; formerly: home contract). However, parts of the two declarations may be combined into a single document. Powers of attorney do not formally require notarial certification, although it is nevertheless recommended – for your own safety. Public certification of the signature is required, for example, for a real estate transfer. Your document is ready! Use it the way you want. For free. This guide will discuss the legal context of a power of attorney and attempt to clarify the relevant issues.
A general power of attorney is basically formless. However, the majority of general powers of attorney are written, so they can be used as evidence in legal transactions. In some cases, notarial certification may also be required if, for example, the authorized representative also has to deal with real estate matters. The general power of attorney is also useful in the private sector, as so-called carers are used by the district court in case of emergency: it is widely held that in the event of loss of legal capacity, the spouse or other family members would automatically be entitled to it. Often, the items listed in a living will are also part of a general power of attorney. Agents, on the other hand, only have to prove that they are authorized. Public signature certifications are carried out, among other things, by the healthcare authorities in Germany. 3.
The holder of the power of attorney may consult the medical records and authorize their release to third parties. I release all physicians who treat me, as well as non-medical staff, from the duty of confidentiality to my authorized confidant. A general power of attorney is a full power of attorney that can authorize representation in all legal matters. It can therefore also be described as total representation. The purpose of the general power of attorney is to grant a trusted person unlimited power of representation in all legal transactions. This support person is hereby authorized to represent me in all matters. This power of attorney is intended to avoid court-ordered care. The power of attorney therefore remains in force if I had become legally incapable after its creation. A “general” power of attorney is usually granted for a specific case or transaction. Beyond this case, this power of attorney has no effect.