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*If you want to compare prices, we recommend using our search engine. You will find the perfect legal advice for you A lawyer often works in a courtroom and can represent a variety of clients. In court, you can defend or argue on behalf of your clients, but a legal advisor works directly for a company or legal institution, advises on legal issues, manages legal files, and reviews laws. In order for the functions of legal counsel to be fully fulfilled, he or she must possess specific technical and non-technical skills to perform his or her day-to-day duties. Some of the most important skills you should possess in this career are: If you are considering hiring the services of a law firm, either as an individual or as a business owner, you may want to know what the duties of a legal advisor are. Also in the public sector, because the number of legal advisors is essential to accompany and ensure the correct formalization of contracts signed daily by the various administrations, bodies and public bodies with other administrations and with individuals. In addition to legal knowledge (they usually have a law degree), they must also have in-depth business knowledge. The duties of a legal advisor depend on the professional field to which he or she is dedicated. In the case of an individual, for example, the legal advisor will dispel the doubts expressed by his client on issues that can range from the management of his assets (real estate, investments, inheritances, etc.) to doubts about his professional activity, either because he is the owner of a small business or because he is an employee.

In many cases, the role of legal counsel is taken over by its own lawyers. The figure of legal advisor is undoubtedly a fundamental element for any company, regardless of the sector or activity to which it is dedicated, since it serves as a guide for compliance with regulations. The main functions of a legal adviser are now as follows: As mentioned a few paragraphs ago, legal advisers are responsible for advising judicial institutions on legal conflicts and, on the other hand, can also perform their duties within the legal department of an organization. The fundamental function of a legal adviser is to assist judges and judges in judicial and criminal proceedings. Thus, the consultant is responsible for informing and advising on the applicable penalties, sanctions or legal principles. His position is very important within the organization to which he belongs, and in many cases he is considered a key figure in the company`s strategy, as he must have all legality issues under control. But in what specific ways does legal counsel benefit the company? The figure of legal advisor is something that is gaining more and more weight today and today there are several ways to have an in-house legal advisor or trust a law firm such as a legal advisor in Elche, who is responsible for all matters related to his field. “He is the person who anticipates your problems, avoids conflicts and improves the financial efficiency and competitiveness of your company” When we talk about companies, the functions of the legal advisor can be very different, from the legal defense of the interests of the latter before the courts, as well as his intervention in the negotiation processes, advice concerning the hiring or firing of employees, Risk assessment of a transaction, investigation and compliance with tax obligations, etc. After studying law, it is usually more common to devote oneself to the legal profession or to prepare an opposition, for example, to become a judge or notary. However, law is a career that offers more employment options: one of them is that of legal or legal counsel. Do you know what that number is? At UNIR, we analyze the functions and requirements required to practice this profession. As a legal advisor, you are the guarantor of the legal responsibilities of a company or organization.

Tasks may include preparing contracts and documentation, as mentioned earlier, and providing a variety of legal support services. Legal advisors may also focus on expert advice to self-employed individuals or individuals who need to be able to rely on an expert civil, criminal, labour and tax lawyer to obtain their advice or policies regarding the business or the correct settlement of their taxes. to give a simple example. At Gestoría Iborra we have been looking after our clients for several decades, always thinking of you and looking for the best solutions to solve the legal problems of your company.