The standard of review is often what constitutes or defeats an appeal case because it determines the level of reverence that the Court of Appeal grants to decisions of the trial court. The standard of review may also be examined in the light of the...
The first post-war years brought with it a new tolerance for a while, there was a lot of work in the reconstruction and in fact many people lived in caravans or prefabricated buildings. However, this tolerance was short-lived as the country became...
Now that you`ve defined your audience and goals, you`re ready to plan your action plan. Your annual reporting strategy might include: And remember that the annual reports of other nonprofits also add value. The information in these reports can provide...
The reason-based approach helps explain why individual cases and individual teachings can justify analogies. It also explains what is correct in the principles-based approach, as some of the considerations underlying similar cases will be principles. But...
Attach your article to the form below and we will send you contact information for the Journal of Legal History and alternative journals for your research Printed copies of the journal can be purchased from W.S. Hein & Co., Inc. Electronic copies of...